Saturday, November 25, 2006


Friday, May 20, 2005, 11:17 PM
Bay View Police Officers React Like Nazi Robocops After Accosting Ottawa County Mother Of Two On Alleged Nonviolent Misdemeanor Probation Violations

Elsebeth Baumgartner has been arrested in Erie County.

"Tell her to open this door or I'm gonna break your window! Tell her! I'm gonna break your window!" an adrenalin pumped female cop screamed at the EV Editor. The female officer raised an expandable baton over her head as she threatened to shatter the driver's side window of the Editor's Kia Sportage outside of Terry's Tavern in Bay View.

Baumgartner puts car in gear and drives off.

Dust and stones flew as a male police officer tore off in pursuit of Baumgartner in his privately owned vehicle.

"GET HER! GET HER!" screams part time Bay View Police Chief Helen Prozowski.


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