Saturday, November 25, 2006

Chief Helen Proswoski Tried to Coerce Statement in May 2005.

Bay View Police Chief: No Vehicle Until You Give Us A Statement
Monday, May 23, 2005, 02:11 PM
Do Ottawa County Officials Want The Editor To Turn On Baumgartner?
Bay View Police Chief: No Vehicle Until You Give Us A Statement
“You didn’t give her permission to take the vehicle did you?”

“You didn’t give her permission to take the vehicle did you?” Bay View Police Chief Helen Prososwksi asked after refusing to lift the law enforcement “hold” on the EV Editor’s 2005 Kia Sportage after the vehicle was used by Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner to drive to Huron County on Friday night. Baumgartner asserts that she was simply driving to Huron County to surrender.

State Highway Patrol officials have filed no charges against Baumgartner and their media release stated that Baumgartner was arrested without incident. The trooper from OSHP post #26 added that Baumgartner was very cautious as she drove through intersections on her way to the Huron County line.

Editor's 2005 Kia Sportage

Baumgartner asserts that she has been abused by the Erie and Ottawa County government so much that she wanted to avoid being taken into custody in Erie or Ottawa County. “I feel like a battered woman.” Baumgartner said in reference to the level of commitment Erie and Ottawa officials have demonstrated to incarcerate her. Records show that Baumgartner has been incarcerated three different times in the Ottawa County Detention Facility before Friday night’s incarceration and was the subject of a Felony Interstate Warrant that was used to arrest her in Texas which all stemmed from a nonviolent misdemeanor charge of “falsification.”

Assistant Lucas County Prosecutor Tim Braun obtained the interstate felony warrant after Baumgartner failed to return to jail after she was granted furlough to attend the funeral of her brother in law. That felony charge was dismissed after Baumgartner was returned to custody in the Ottawa County Detention Facility.

Baumgartner’s entire chronology can be found here.

The Editor can be reached at 419-357-3052 to answer questions on this story.

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