Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ohio Prosecutors..Still Pissing on Mom

Let’s Burn The Constitution And Piss On The Ashes
Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 02:12 AM
Let’s Burn The Constitution And Piss On The Ashes
PC News Herald Article From September 20, 2002:

For a complete chronology of Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner’s case click here.

Baumgartner has absolute proof that the law firm of Baumgartner and O’Toole has defrauded the taxpayers of BCS through improper, unapproved legal contracts and fraudulent billings. Baumgartner and O’Toole was also involved with Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter’s private business obtaining a federal grant through the Vermilion Port Authority. B&O was also involved with the Erie Metroparks’ legal counsel while they battled CPPR over the “Huron River Greenway” project.

Onto the highlighted portions of the article:

Why would the Sheriff “hope to arrest Baumgartner on a traffic stop?”

Answer: Because Emahiser did not have an arrest warrant. Emahiser only had a bench warrant.

A bench warrant does not give a police officer the authority to seek someone out on alleged misdemeanors. A bench warrant only gives an officer authority to arrest if the suspect is already stopped for some other law violation in front of the officer (like a traffic stop – an officer must witness the violation in order to question the suspect). Nevertheless, Emahiser arrests Baumgartner in her home with a bench warrant unsupported by oath or affirmation.

What people don’t know is that this September 20th arrest occurred right before Baumgartner’s bar complaint hearing. She writes a letter on September 4, 2004 but the Sheriff waits until the week before Baumgartner’s bar complaint hearing before he personally arrests her and incarcerates her in maximum felony confinement in the Ottawa County Detention Facility. She never gets a hearing on the alleged probation violation – but then the visiting municipal judge releases her on a “furlough” after interfering with her ability to issue subpoenas in order to defend herself at the bar complaint hearing.

So what did Baumgartner get arrested for on September 20, 2002?

We still don’t know. After this latest arrest, the same visiting municipal judge held Baumgartner without bond unless she admitted to unspecified charges. She refused to admit to charges without notice – so Adkins left her in jail for 12 days.

A few weeks ago, Ex Benton Carroll Salem Schools Superintendent Charles Burns, the same guy who just had this writer indicted for “intimidation” admitted that the videotape of the September 20th arrest was shown at his home during a party! Burns claims that he didn’t get the videotape from the Sheriff, which leaves only one alternative source: Ottawa County Prosecutor Mark Mulligan.

And Mulligan has the audacity to suggest that Baumgartner is “imagining” this abuse.

PC News Herald October 2, 2002:

“In the real world, Elsebeth does not have to fear for her safety,” says Ottawa County Prosecutor Mark Mulligan.

Now Baumgartner has been indicted for “Grand Theft Auto” for “stealing” her own company vehicle.

Can this legal abuse get any worse? When will our newly elected Erie County judges Roger Binette and Tygh Tone end this madness? Have they ordered another arrest warrant for Baumgartner or will they issue court summons and schedule an arraignment?

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