Saturday, November 25, 2006

Catch 22

Catch 22 Applies If The Government Is At Risk
Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 09:40 PM
Only In Ohio
Catch 22 Applies If The Government Is At Risk
The Lengths Government Will Go To Silence Real Criticism

Imagine if agents of the criminal justice system were allowed to break any rules they wanted – at will – in order to conceal their own misconduct.

Imagine if Constitutional rights were selectively ignored in order to prevent certain people from defending themselves.

Imagine if you were the target of probation conditions that disallowed you the opportunity to defend yourself – and the mere accusation of misconduct would get you thrown into prison.

Imagine if the judge who presides over your case makes comments in open court that demonstrate his ill will toward you – and also acts as a witness against you.

Imagine that your story were so confusing that the watchdogs of government couldn’t tell your story without getting the facts straight and those same people were unable to critically think about the government's reactions toward you.

Imagine if concepts like “probable cause,” and “due process,” were absolutely ignored or created after the fact in order to justify arresting you? What if the concept of “ex post facto” law enforcement were used against you in order to silence your criticism of what they were doing to you? What if every single dirty trick in the book, legal and illegal alike were used against you in order to hold you in jail?

Sound like a nightmare?

All of these conditions are happening to Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner at this very moment.

Motion To Dismiss Filed In Sandusky Municipal Court

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Baumgartner files motion to dismiss in Sandusky Municipal.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005, 05:09 PM
Coming Later Tonight…

Baumgartner files motion to dismiss in Sandusky Municipal.

Has Ottawa County officials been caught with their pants down?

Stay tuned…

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