Saturday, November 25, 2006

Baumgartner Indicted For Grand Theft Auto of Company Vehicle while Editor No Billed

Baumgartner Indicted For Grand Theft Auto
Friday, June 3, 2005, 09:55 PM
Baumgartner Indicted For Grand Theft Auto
Grand Jury Indicts Baumgartner For Grand Theft Auto Without Complaining Witness

According to Erie County Sheriff’s Department Captain Paul Sigsworth, Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner has been indicted on one felony count of “Grant Theft Auto." Sigsworth described her as "arrestable" but the Cuyahoga County "special prosecutor" claims that he didn't think that Erie County officials would attempt to execute the warrant.

Three other charges were pending in Sandusky Municipal Court as of Thursday, when Baumgartner entered not guilty pleas to the misdemeanor charges and was granted a continuance in order to have legal counsel enter a not guilty plea for a felony fleeing charge.

After being denied bond and held in maximum felony confinement for 12 days on alleged probation violations, Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner was restored to her original facially unconstitutional probation terms. An outspoken critic of manipulated special prosecutor and visiting judge appointments, Baumgartner was just indicted on “Grand Theft Auto” charges after Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter arranged for a hand picked special prosecutor to present evidence to the Erie County Grand Jury that Baumgartner “stole” this writer’s vehicle from him. A federal grant expert, Baumgartner was prosecuted on “falsification” charges in 2002 for speaking out against Kevin Baxter’s involvement with Island Express boat lines and that company’s obtainment of public contracts. Records show that Kevin Baxter owned 31% of Island Express stock.

The indictment follows an incident of May 20, 2005 at Terry’s Tavern in Bay View where Baumgartner drove away from Bay View Police officers and into Huron County because of what Baumgartner asserts to be “legal abuse” by Ottawa County officials.

During Thursday's arraignment Baumgartner asserted that the Ottawa County Sheriff knew the warrant was no good, but served it anyway because of political pressure.

Baumgartner filed a motion to dismiss the charges before Sandusky Municipal Judge Erich O’Brien, but before the judge could rule on the motion and an oral motion made to release the vehicle to its owner, Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter arranged for a “special prosecutor” from Cuyahoga County to present the state’s evidence to an Erie County Grand Jury. The presently appointed Erie County special prosecutor deferred all questions to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's media representative.


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Editor’s Case Is “No Billed”
Friday, June 3, 2005, 02:26 PM
Editor’s Case Is “No Billed”
Huge Political Blow For Erie County Prosecutor?

Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter handpicked special prosecutor Daniel Kasaris has confirmed that the case presented to the Erie County Grand Jury on a domestic violence charge that was dismissed after Sandusky Prosecutor’s failed to move the case past a probable cause hearing has been “no billed” by the Erie County Grand Jury.

Bryan, you should be insulted. A Marine who’s less harmful than a ham sandwich.

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Erie County Special Prosecutor Defers Questions To Cuyahoga County Media Representative
Friday, June 3, 2005, 01:27 PM
Erie County Special Prosecutor Defers Questions To Cuyahoga County Media Representative

Phone calls seeking information on the indictment of Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner in Erie County Ohio, by Erie County handpicked special prosecutor Daniel Kasaris were deferred to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Media Representative Jamie Dalton.

Dalton was not available for comment on a matter occurring in Erie County.

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